この人の『Pretender』のEnglish cover が凄く良い。
もっと違う設定で もっと違う関係で
出会える世界線 選べたらよかった
もっと違う性格で もっと違う価値観で
Just some different settings.
Just some other relations
If I had met you somewhere else,
just somewhere else not in this world
Just with different values,
just with other emotions
If we could show our love someway,
and change how we are
I wish we could and I wish,
but it won't be true
Ifと過去形の組み合わせ = 仮定法 です。
If we could show our love someway,
もし私の愛をどうにか伝えられれば = 愛を伝えられたらいいな
仮定法は空想の話 = 現実離れしている話のときに使うので「過去形」を使う、ということです。
If we can show our love someway だったら「愛を伝えたい!」と現実的なニュアンスになります。
If I had met you somewhere else,just somewhere else not in this world
Ifと大過去(had + 過去分詞)を使います。
I wish we could and I wish,but it won't be true
何度願っても本当にならないだろう → そう願っても無駄だから
このようにwish + 過去形/大過去の組み合わせなんかもあります。
歌詞 ↓
You and me, our love story
There was no need to worry
It all started off with two monodramas
Even if we’re close, side by side
We are both just strangers in the dark
All the false ‘I am sorry’ s
Made our love kinda blurry
It can’t be too bad,
if I could get used to it
But I know our romance will not last forever more
I don’t need reason I just know,
I do
Just some different settings.
Just some other relations
If I had met you somewhere else,
just somewhere else not in this world
Just with different values,
just with other emotions
If we could show our love someway,
and change how we are
I wish we could and I wish,
but it won’t be true
It’s not me,
destiny knows I’m not the one for you
It hurts but we’re not meant to be
and I just wanna keep you in my arms
When I touch your hair
it really tears me apart inside my heart
indulgent thoughts invite me in
I asked me.
What were we?
Oh, what did you mean to me
I’ll never know the reason why,
honestly I never wanna know
But there is one thing
that I can say for sure oh,
truly from the bottom of my heart
“You are beautiful”
It’s not me,
destiny knows I’m not the one for you
It hurts but we’re not meant to be
and I just wanna keep you in my arms
When I touch your hair
it really tears me apart inside my heart
indulgent thoughts invite me in
I asked me.
What were we?
Oh, what did you mean to me
I’ll never know the reason why,
honestly I never wanna know
But there is one thing
that I can say for sure oh,
truly from the bottom of my heart
“You are beautiful”
All of this
all of that
if I blame it all on the rules of romance
Doesn’t feel too bad
We don’t have forever,
not anymore
“You are so beautiful”